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Simple Guide to Writing a Descriptive Essay on London

Different essays require the writer to have a special approach toward the topic to ensure they bring out the best aspect of the topic. Descriptive essays, for instance, may require you to describe a process, a place, a person, an object, or a particular experience. Now, imagine you are tasked to write an essay on London. How will you approach such a topic? What ideas are you supposed to include to make your descriptive essay on London compelling? Let’s find all the details in this guide.

Essay on London: essay steps for descriptive writing on London

When you have a topic about my favourite city essay, and you need to write specifically about London, consider the simplified steps below:

  1. Ask yourself, why London?

Well, you don’t need to go to London to make your essay interesting. Before you even start writing, ask yourself why London is the center of the topic. Questions like:

  • What does the reader need to learn about London?
  • What is special about London?
  • What are the unique features that define London?

Answering these and other questions related to London as a place will help you determine the central focus of your essay.

  1. Start with describing London

Next, you should perform quick research and know how to describe London. Here, focus on basic information about the city without digging too deep. For instance, highlight its geographical position and population approximation, and include London as the capital of Great Britain. Be sure to include any information you think it’s crucial without leaving any facts or information behind.

  1. Write about the city’s history

In any essay that requires you to describe your favourite city, the history of such a place is crucial. In the London case, you will need to do in-depth research and gather relevant information while focusing on what happened in the past and how the city has transformed over the years to what it is in the present day. Be sure to highlight major happenings during the city’s development phases. For instance, in the case of London, ensure you include the Great Plague and Great fire events and their impacts on the city’s growth and development.

While highlighting some of these events is necessary, keep much of your focus on the present state of the city you are writing about.

Note: it can be quite hard to include all the details about London in a single essay. That is why it is essential to narrow your topic to concentrate on a single element. For instance, it can be cultural practices, political analysis, economic growth, or any other concern.

Tips on how to write a killer essay about London

So, you have that essay on my favourite city topic. Are you wondering where to begin? Well, use the following pro tips:

  • Choose a good topic

When writing about London, consider simplified topics that won’t shift your focus. Your topic should be narrow and focus on a particular element. For instance, it can be about education, cultural practices, or social-related topics.

  • Choose a relatable thesis statement

Your thesis statement should relate to all the details concerning London. Therefore, choose a thesis statement that will help you gather relevant information related to London as a place.

  • Have an outline

The outline is a simplified roadmap that gives you ideas and concepts to share in your final essay. Therefore, create this outline, showing the points you intend to cover in the different sections as you write your essay.

  • Review my favourite city essay sample

When you don’t have a clue of where to begin your essay on London, consider reviewing a sample of a similar essay to get the structure, order of sections, and how to present your ideas. This will give you a perfect idea of how to bring out your London essay.


Writing descriptive essays requires the writer to have good research and creative skills. You can even write an admirable essay describing a place you have never been to with the help of this guide.