Friends of Brent Public Libraries


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Resistance to Kensal Rise Library Closure Grows


R & E Blackmore

Friends of Kensal Rise Library
020 8969 5215

Eric Pollock
Friends of Cricklewood Library
tel: 020 8452 4072 or fax: 020 8830 6482

The users of Brents Kensal Rise Library have organised themselves to oppose the Councils plan to close their library. They now have a committee and are printing 4000 leaflets. A public meeting has been arranged and fundraising events are being planned for January and February. In addition, they will take their case to Area Forum meetings in Queens Park and Harlesdon.

Elsewhere in Brent, it is the Lib Dems who are leading the fight against the planned devastating library cull.

Brent Council plans
Brent Lib Dem anit-closure petition

AT Dec 2010

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