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an alliance of library user groups and supporters

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user groups:

Blackheath's submission to House of Commons Committee on Public Libraries

Do Public Libraries Have A Future? A one day seminar organised by CPLUG, held at the London School of Economics, 23rd October 1999

Camden Public Libraries Users Group (CPLUG) Research Report No 1: An analysis of the decline in library funding and its impact on the service.

CPLUG Research Report No 2: An assessment of Three Possible Future Library Strategies: this assesses Camden's library service proposals comparative to the needs and location of residents.

CPLUG Research Report No 3: Camden's Use of CIPFA Statistics

Research Report No. 4: The Performance of Camden Public Libraries


Comprehensive, Efficient and Modern Public Libraries - Standards and Assessment this sets out the public library standards which come into effect on 1 April 2023
Analysis of the Consultation on Draft Public Library Standards - just published by the Department of Culture, Media and Sport


Sheffield University Department of Information Studies. The Centre for the Public Library and Information in Society
The Value of Public Libraries - Related research at Sheffield University 1996-1999




library and other organisations