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Friends of Heath Library
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Events in the library:

All Meetings are at 8pm in the Library. Doors open at
7.30pm. Click to see the latest news.

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Library Opening Hours
Mon 10-7
Tue 10-7
Thu 10-8
Fri 10-7
Sat 10-5
Sun 11-4

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with Users/Friends Groups

Belsize Park
Chalk Farm
Kentish Town
St Pancras

Swiss Cottage
West Hampstead

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Heath Library

Nicola Beauman, Lee Montague, Julia MacKenzie, Barbara Frost, June Grun, Ruth Gorb, Nigel Steward.

Reg Charity No. 1066822

The Heath Library in Keats Grove Hampstead, NW3 2RR is an attractive 1930's building in the grounds of Keats House.The Friends of the Heath Library was started in 1992 by a group of citizens concerned that the Library was under threat of closure. Its membership remains at around 450, many of whom attend the regular monthly talks given by distinguished members of the Hampstead Community prominent in the media, literature, the theatre and science.

Our supporting activities include a Book Donation Week from which we organise a yearly Book Sale to augment our funds. Some of the books donated also go into stock in the library. Our support has included donations of CDs, music tapes, magazine subscriptions and reference books as well as miscellaneous items to brighten the Library, such as plants, flowers etc. One of our major activities has been to pay for the refurbishment of the central stained glass dome which is one of the outstanding features of the building.

We have regular monthly liaison meetings with the library staff and management to determine the most effective ways of assisting the library.

Speakers at out meetings over the past six years have included:
Danny Abse, Martin Amis, Max Arthur, Diana Athill, Al Alvarez, Beryl Bainbridge, Joan Bakewell, Peter Barkworth, Julian Barnes, Martin Bell MP, Nicola Beauman, Melvyn Bragg, Prof. Jonathan Brostoff, Sir Anthony Caro, Judith Cherniak, Margaret Drabble, Lindsay Duncan, Elaine Feinstein, Sir Denis Forman, Victoria Glendinning, Valerie Grove, Ruth Fairlight, Ronald Hayman, Cicely Herbert, Prof. Eric Hobsbawn, Malcolm Holmes, Michael Holroyd, Prof. Ted Honderich, Gerald Isaaman, Helena Kennedy QC, John Le Carre, Doris Lessing, Maureen Lipman, Penelope Lively, Gavin Lyall, Keith Michel, Dr. Jonathan Miller, Deborah Moggach, Lee & Ruth Montague, Andrew Motion, John Julius Norwich, Julia Neuberger, Michael Palin, Sir Michael Palliser, Piers Plowright, Jill Purse, Stella and Denis Quilley, Michael Ridpath, Jancis Robinson, James Roose-Evans, Dr. Joseph Rotblat, Bernice Rubens, Prof. Rupert Sheldrake, Alan Sillitoe, Chris Smith M.P., Peter Stothard, Dr. N.O.T. Temple, Emma Thompson, Claire Tomalin, John Tusa, Christopher Wade, Sir Gerald Warner, Katherine Whitehorn, Dr. Lewis Wolpert.

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