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Swiss Cottage Central Library Users Group
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Library Opening Hours
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8pm
Sat: 10am - 5pm, Sun 11am - 5pm

Swiss Cottaage Friends logo
Swiss Cottage Central Library
88 Avenue Road,
London NW3 3HA

Tel: 020 7974 4001






Spring 2004

SCCLUG, Swiss Cottage Central Library Users Group formed in 2002 compliments the refurbishments undertaken at the library. Hard work, effort and commitment have seen the establishment and continual development of the group. The group strives for the Library to maintain one of its objectives in being accessible and all-inclusive to the diverse community in the London Borough of Camden.

One of the aims of the group is to facilitate various events throughout the year. The purpose of these events is:

To promote interest in the creative arts, reading and writing
Encourage more members to be an effective collective voice
Raise the profile of library services
Increase the use of the library by all sectors of the community
Share the opportunity to highlight a topic of current interest
To enjoy oneself

Swiss Cottage Central Library, also known as Camden Central Library, had seen the completion of its refurbishment in the spring of 2003. Making it Fit for the 21st Century".
The library opened on 10 November 2022 by HRH Queen Elizabeth II is a listed building. Therefore coming under the protection of English Heritage.
(Feel free to contact the local history department at Holborn Library for more information).
Swiss cottage Library has an extensive resource base. Why not visit the library (location details at the end) and experience for yourself the positive changes.

Invited guests in the past have included Martin Bell, Roger Lloyd Pack, Jehane Markham, Anthony Grayling, Glenda Jackson, Emmanuel Cooper and Earl Russell. SCCLUG supported three Poets from the Torriano reading group who entertained an audience of 70 approximately in the red loung area on the first floor of the library on the afternoon of Saturday 28 February. Alan Brownjohn (The Cat wwithout Email), Beata Duncan (Apple Haarvist) and Paaul Birthill (Collected Poems 1987-2003) captivated the audience.

The New Year 2004 has brought the group several new members.

Volunteers are much appreciated who would like to provide their services in specific areas such as fundraising, publicity/promotions, and distribution (this is not an exhaustive list) in order to maintain the smooth operation of the Users Group.

SCCLUG Questionnaire - preliminary findings from the questionnaire responses to the Swiss Cottage Library Users indicate that the majority of Users were from the 18 - 65 category, not from the Black or Minoeity Ethnic group, but were regular weekly users of books, newspapers and reference materials.

The Users Group will seriously consider. assistance in the form of financial /human resources and of a miscellaneous nature.

Next SCCLUG meeting:
Time 10.30am-12pm
Date Saturday 20th March2004
Venue Swiss Cottage Central Library

Future events for 2004 - look out for the next up and coming poetry-reading event at the library.

c/o Swiss Cottage Central Library
88 Avenue Road
e-mail: [email protected] (subject to change),
[email protected] (events and fundraising)
(Select Local Groups, Camden, Swiss Cottage

Information can be found on the notice board in the library. A post box is available to deposit membership application forms and other messages for the Users Group




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