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Sheffield University Department of Information Studies.
The Centre for the Public Library and Information in Society

The Value of Public Libraries - Related research at Sheffield University 1996-1999

Research Reports:
Evans, M.K., Jones, K. & Usherwood, B. (1999) Assessment tools for quality management in public libraries London: British Library Research and Innovation Centre (BLRIC Report No. 155)
Linley, R. & Usherwood, B. (1998) New Measures for the New Library: A Social Audit of Public Libraries University of Sheffield: Centre for the Public Library in the Information Society (British Library Research and Innovation Centre Report No. 89) Proctor, R., Lee, H. & Reilly, R. (1998) Access to Public Libraries. The Impact of Opening Hours reductions and Closures 1986-1996/7 The University of Sheffield: Centre for the Public Library in the Information Society (British Library Research & Innovation Centre Report No. 90)
Simmons, S. & Proctor, R. (1998) People, Politics and Hard Decisions. An Investigation into the Management of Public Library Closures. The University of Sheffield: Centre for the Public Library in the Information Society (British Library Research & Innovation Centre Report No. 132)
Usherwood, R.C. (1997) The Future of Public Libraries. London: British Library Research and Innovation Centre (Information UK Outlooks no. 23)
Usherwood, R.C., Proctor, R. & Sobczyk, G. (1996) What do people do when their public library service closes down? An investigation into the impact of the Sheffield Libraries Strike. London: British Library Research and Development Department (BLRDD Report No. 6224)

Current Research Projects
'Low Achievers Lifelong Learners" An investigation into the impact of public libraries on educational disadvantage. LIC funded project. Reports October 2000. Research Associate: Craig Bartle
"Checking the Books:" The Value and Impact of Public Library Book Reading. LIC funded project. Reports September 2000. Research Associate Jackie Toyne

Masters Dissertations
Christine, R. (1997) The special needs child in transition. An investigation into the availability and use of special needs material by the child before and after the transfer from primary to secondary school. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
David, R.S.G. (1998) Libraries and learning: An evaluation of open learning in Sheffield and Rotherham Public Libraries. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Geater, D
. (1996) Pursuing quality in a library service; the use and abuse of charters, standards and mission statements. MSc in Information Management, University of Sheffield
Godfrey, H
. (1999) An investigation into the use of public libraries for learning. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield Hamilton, A. (1997) A study of the impact of library services on the lives of elderly people in residential homes: an evaluation and comparison of library service provision to residential homes in three authorities. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Harvey, P.
(1999) The people's network? An evaluation of internet access in public libraries thoughout a survey of public libraries challenge fund awards and a case study of provision in Derbyshire. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Hunter, J.F. (1998) The effectiveness of mobile library provision in urban communities which have lost local static libraries: A case study. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Linville, A.L.
(1998) The management, use and development of spoken word cassette collections in public libraries: A case study. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Newport, K.
(1998) The impact of homework centres in Sheffield Public Libraries: An investigation into library provision for children. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Northam, J.
(1999) The Sheffield children's book award: an investigation into its impact and effectiveness MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Parkin, M. (1999) Investigation into the effects on user behaviour and impact on the community of the closure and subsequent re-opening of Stannington public library MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Qureshi, N. (1999) The impact and value of the public library service in easing rural deprivation MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Raven, C.M. (1998) An evaluation of the extent to which branch libraries may contribute to community regeneration through information technology MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Reilly, R.
(1997) The impact of Sheffield public library closures on young children. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Robertson, S.J
. (1998) User feedback as a qualitative performance indicator: Two case studies. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Rodgers, W.A. (1998) Central lending library communities: A case study investigating the use and perception of central lending library services in Sheffield. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Sisson, F.
(1997) Children's library design: does the location of the children's department in relation to the main adult library affect the interaction between the child and the library? MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Stone, E.
(1999) The impact of public library use on the educational attainment of primary school children. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Taylor, C.
(1999) An investigation into the experience of reading imaginative literature, and the benefits that this may have for it's readers. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Ton, N.
(1997) The currency of fiction in public libraries: the impact of funding reductions MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Wilton, E.
(1999) There are better places to go' - An investigation into teenage reading and public library use in Horsham and Crawley. MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield
Whittaker, S.P.
(1998) Do public libraries need 'Friends'? An evaluation of the importance and influence of Friends of library groups in Sheffield and Rotherham MA in Librarianship, University of Sheffield.