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You can either become a supporter or a member.
There is no charge, so if you have any ideas on what you want to see in our libraries, what you think we should concentrate on or even if you just want to be kept informed by our newsletter and email list, please join us.

to be a supporter
I would like to receive the Friends of Hackney Libraries newsletter and campaigning updates.

to be an active member
In addition to newsletters and updates, I would like notification of meetings and to participate in the group.

to join the email group
Members will receive all messages. Supporters will receive special notices only.

to make a donation
As a organisation with no funding (at present!) we appreciate all donations. Please make cheques payable to Friends of Hackney Libaries.







Return to:
Friends of Hackney Libraries, PO Box 16, Centreprise
136-138 Kingsland Road, London E8 2NS

or send an email to:
[email protected]