The Friends of Cricklewood Library was formed by a group of concerned residents after the threatened closure (for the second time) of Cricklewood Library in early 1999.

The Friends exist to promote and heighten public awareness of Cricklewood Library. FoCL is run by a volunteer committee (including an ex-officio member of the Brent Library Services Staff) who meet monthly.

Over the past years the Friends have organised a number of activities to attract local residents into the Library and, according to Library staff, the number of books issued has increased steadily.

Activities of the Friends of Cricklewood Library include:

Oman Av., NW2
(near junction with Olive Rd.)

Bus 226

Cricklewood Thameslink Stn


Eric Pollock
tel: 020 8452 4072 or fax: 020 8830 6482

Library Events

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