Highgate Library, 1
Shepherds Hill, London N6 ( 020 8348-3443
Monday to Friday 9-7,
Saturday 9-5
The inspectors from the Audit Commission returned to the libraries in September for a week-long study of the progress since the last visit and has given a wonderful two stars (out of possible three) to the Service! This is wonderful news, and warm congratulations must go to Instant Library, the librarians, and all the people who worked so hard to bring us up from the depths of 2001s disastrous inspection.
Highgate figures prove the point: Issues: April 03: 3572 September 03 3806
Overall library visits in Haringey September 01: 72,540 September 03: 165,669
Helen was such a key member of HLAG from the very first that it is hard to think of meeting without her cheerful face at the table. She quietly and often firmly gave us the benefit of her long experience with the Council and was enthusiastic about every aspect of our efforts, from letter-writing to preparing the HISTORY. She was on the original committee as Treasurer, and acted as Chair in 1994. When she stood down last year we refused to allow it giving her the designation of sabbatical member and looking for her return.
She was active in all local causes, including the Archway Road campaign (from the earliest days onwards) Her grandson, speaking at the funeral, recalled being taken to a meeting of the Inquiry and seeing her shouting and waving wildly. She kept a vivid interest in Shepherds Hill as a member of the Association and of the Highgate Area Conservation Committee.
We have decided that the best memorial we can offer her is the dedication of THE HISTORY OF HIGHGATE LIBRARY, in which she plays such an important part.
Publication of the HISTORY is now scheduled for early December, just in time for you to order copies for everyone for Christmas! The booklet will be packed with stories and photos from before 1902 to the present day. The price is to be determined but will be under £10.
The HLAG committee has decided to spend some of the money we collected for the Centennial . A new fence will appear next to the Spinney, finishing off the refurbishment of the front garden. In the Spring, bulbs will welcome visitors. The old Clock was put into working order and is now in place over the door in the Childrens library. Fine pictures of Old Highgate (discovered for us by Bruce Castle Museum) will soon adorn the walls.
The Wednesday morning Book Group has lost three members over the summer, and would like to invite some recruits! We are willing to shift days and times to suit the majority, so please ring Susan Chinn (8348 6883)with your ideas and suggestions.
26th November 2003 BESIDE MYSELF by Antony Sher
17th December BATTLE FOR GOD by Karen Armstrong
Fundamentalism in Judaism, Christianity & Islam
ALSO Remember the suggestion of a Re-reading
the Classics group? It has taken on a new lease of life!! If you are interested please telephone
Rosemary on 8340 9648.
6th November at 6:30
Ann Shearer, author and Jungian analyst will present a
view of Athene.
NAME(s)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDRESS--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TELEPHONE . E-MAIL
.. DONATION...................... (£1 minimum membership per person---January-December)) RETURN FORM TO: MR. IAN CARRUTHERS, MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY 86 SOUTHWOOD
(or to the librarian )
if receipt required, tick here _____