



On 3rd March 1999, a meeting of Camden Council voted to close three libraries this year and, at a later date, two more libraries. Set out below are lists showing how each of Camden's Councillors voted on a proposal to consult the public before any closures were implemented.


Councillors who Voted to Close Libraries

     Ward                                                          Councillors                                                    

Bloomsbury                 Jake Turnbull (L) *                  

Brunswick                    Edward Cousins (L), Brian Weekes (L)                                   

Camden                       Dermot Greene (L) *                           

Castlehaven                 Deidre Krymer (L), Jane Roberts (L)                           

Gospel Oak                 John Mills (L), Judith Pattison (L) *

Grafton                         John Dickie (L), Roy Shaw (L) *

Highgate                      Richard Arthur (L), Maggie Cosin (L) *, John Thane (L)

Holborn                        Julian Fulbrook (L), Brian Woodrow (L) *

Kilburn                         Charlie Hedges (L), Heather Johnson (L), Tim Walker (L) *

Kings Cross                Barbara Hughes (L)

Priory                           John Rolfe (L), Phil Turner (L) *

Regents Park              Richard Olszewski (L), Barbara Ward (L) *

St Johns                       Penelope Abraham (L), Dave Horan (L)

South End Green        Janet Guthrie (L), Gerry Harrison (L) *

Swiss Cottage            Bob Hall (L)


Councillors who Voted to Keep all our Libraries Open

     Ward                                                          Councillors

Adelaide                      Andrew Marshall (C), Julian Tobin (C), Piers Wauchope (C)

Belsize                         Ewan Cameron (C), Eileen Hammond (L), Huntley Spence (C) *

Camden                       Pat Nightingale (L)

Fitzjohn                        Martin Davies (C), Andrew Mennear (C) *

Fortune Green             Flick Rea (LD) *, Jane Schopflin (LD)

Frognal                         Pam Chesters (C), Dawn Somper (C)

Hampstead Town        Margaret Little (LD), Sidney Malin (LD)

St Pancras                   Gloria Lazenby (L)

Somers Town              Ernest James (L)

Swiss Cottage             Stephen Hocking (C)

West End                     Keith Moffitt (LD), Heather Thompson (LD)


Councillors who did not Vote

     Ward                                                          Councillors

Bloomsbury                  Pat Callaghan (L), Nirmal Roy (L)

Caversham                  Bernard Kissen (L), Anne Swain (L)

Chalk Farm                  Bill Budd (L), John White (L) *

Kings Cross                 Nick Smith (L) *

Regents Park              Jim Turner (L)

Somers Town              Sybil Shine (L)

St Pancras                   Roger Robinson (L)


* Member of the Leisure & Community Services Committee - the committee directly responsible for libraries.


At an Extraordinary meeting of the Council on 22 June 1999, there was a second vote, moved by Pam Chesters on the following amendment:
"except that all library closures be deferred until 1 January 2023 to enable a public consultation to be carried out in strict accordance with the Council's consultation standards as defined by the "We're Listening" report"


For ie. to keep libraries open:

Bill Budd Ernest James Jane Schopflin
Pat Callaghan Gloria Lazenby Sybil Shine
Ewan Cameron Margaret Little Dawn Somper
Pam Chesters Sidney Malin Huntly Spence
Martin Davies Andrew Marshall Anne Swain
Bob Hall Andrew Mennear Heather Thompson
Aileen Hammond Keith Moffitt Julian Tobin
Gerry Harrison Honora Morrissey Piers Wauchope
Steven Hocking Pat Nightingale John White
Dave Horan Flick Rea


Against ie. to close the three libraries with no public consultation:

Richard Arthur Deirdre Krymer John Thane
Maggie Cosin John Mills Jake Turnbull
Edward Cousins Richard Olszewski Jim Turner
John Dickie Judith Pattison Phil Turner
Julian Fulbrook Jane Roberts Tim Walker
Dermot Greene Roger Robinson Barbara Ward
Janet Guthrie John Rolfe Brian Weekes
Charlie Hedges Nirmal Roy Brian Woodrow
Barbara Hughes Roy Shaw
Heather Johnson Nick Smith
