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Free and open to all in London

London is home to some of the finest specialised collections of books and manuscripts in the world, many of them open to all without charge. Often these libraries, and the welcome they offer to everyone interested in their collections, are little known. We hope that after browsing these pages you will want to visit some of them.

Caird Library (ships, sea and astronomy) Caid.htm
Horniman Library (natural history, musical instruments & ethnography) Horniman.htm
Linley Library (gardening) SpecialistLib.htm
National Art Library (art, craft and design) V&A.htm
Poetry Library (poetry since 1900) PoetryLib.htm
The Wiener Library (Nazism, Fascism, and modern Jewish history) WienerLib.htm
Women's Library (women and society) WomenLbry.htm

Please send any comments on these pages, or suggestions for other libraries that should be included, to: [email protected]

Coming (we hope)
St Bride Printing Library
The Science Museum Library